Friday, October 31, 2014

To steal or not to steal, that is the question?

You can’t watch the news, go on the Internet or view any type of social media today without seeing some college or professional athlete in some kind of trouble. When does it stop? I wonder if these athletes are seeing the same thing I’m seeing. You would think they would use better judgment when they constantly see other athletes getting in trouble. Whether you’re a college or professional athlete, poor judgment can cost you money, sometimes millions of dollars.

 Lets look at the latest example of poor judgment by a professional athlete. After rushing for 52 yards, included a big 38-yard run and a key tackle on a kickoff that help the Dallas Cowboys to a 30-23 win over the Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks, running back Joseph Randle is arrested the following day for shoplifting. He was released on bond after being charged with a Class B misdemeanor theft of $50 to $500 in Frisco Texas. Randle is accused of stealing a pack of Polo underwear and a bottle of Gucci Guilty Black cologne; the two items came to a total value of $123.50. What’s so odd about the situation is that Randle had just purchased an item at the cologne counter.

Now let’s look at how not only is this situation embarrassing, but ridiculous and stupid. Joseph Randle was a fifth round draft pick in 2013 and has a base salary this year of $495,000 which breaks down to $29,500 per game. This leads me to my next question. Why in the hell is he stealing underwear and cologne? It’s not that he can’t afford the items. So what is it? Do you think he did it just to see if he could get away with it? Is Joseph Randle just a common thief? Athletes continue to put themselves in bad situations that are clearly avoidable. Professional teams do character and background checks and some psychological testing, but I think more may be needed. What do you think?  Deeper mental and psychological testing may be needed before professional teams invest some much time and money in these players. As of today the NFL has not disciplined Joseph Randle in any way, but the Dallas Cowboys fined him $29,500, which is equal to one game check. I know the teams and the leagues are tired of being embarrassed. Please feel free to comment.