Tuesday, July 22, 2014

PED's: Performance Enhancing Drugs

Performance Enhancing Drugs, also known as PED’s are substances used by athletes to improve their performances are a popular topic in sports theses days. More and more professional sports leagues have need taking this problem more seriously in the last few years. The attention has brought about more and better testing and more fines and suspensions. Unfortunately the problem is not only in professional sports, but also in college, high school and amateur sports as well. Every 4 years numerous athletes are disqualified from competing for their countries in the Olympics because of PED’s.

 The drug Adderall which main use was for kids with ADHD to help them focus is the new drug of use. College students have used it to help them with their studies. The prescription drug that can sharpen focus and hone impulse control has become popular in NFL locker rooms. At least seven of the players suspended for the 2014 season received their suspensions from the use of Adderall. It appears some NFL players are using and abusing the drug.
PED use hasn’t been more rampart than in the NFL and Major League Baseball. Every year, the NFL is cracking down on more players using PED’s and any illegal substances, including drugs such as marijuana. This year is no different; so far the league has already suspended some of the biggest names in the game for the 2014 season. Robert Mathis, outside linebacker for the Indianapolis Colts has been suspended 4 games, which will cost him over $705,000 in salary. Arizona defensive end Daryl Washington is suspended for the entire 2014 season and will loose over $3 million in salary. My hometown and favorite team the Miami Dolphins will loose last years first round draft pick, Dion Jordan for 4 games because of a positive test for PED’s. His suspension will cost him $123,000 in salary.

Substance abuse is also a problem with just as many suspensions as PED use. The majority of substance abuse suspensions come from positive marijuana tests and alcohol abuse and arrests. Cleveland Brown wide receiver Josh Gordon is suspended indefinitely for a third violation of the NFL’s substance abuse policy. Gordon led the NFL in receiving with 1,646 yards during the 2013 season after being suspended for two games for a second positive test for marijuana. Josh Gordon has an appeal at the league offices in New York on August 1st. Gordon and his agent Drew Rosenhaus are hoping his suspension gets lowered. As it stands now he will miss the entire 2014 season.

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